Albert "Einstein" Calhoun, aka "The Mastermind", is an upcoming rapper/singer from Copperas Cove, Texas. He takes inspiration from a wide variety of artists from nearly every genre of music and creates his own versatile sound, filled with emotional melodies and intense lyrics.
Einstein's music comes from his heart and mind alike, combining his creative spirit with the pressures of life around him. He takes those elements and forges songs about pain and strength. Through music, he proves his greatness time and time again, to those around him and to himself.
#TheMastermind #EinsteinCalhoun #UpcomingArtist #CopperasCove #VersatileSound #EmotionalMelodies #IntenseLyrics #MusicFromTheHeart #PainAndStrength #CreativeSpirit #ProvingGreatness #RisingStar #NewMusic #TexasTalent #RapAndSing